New Website about to be revealed

June 26, 2007 | Author: Webmaster | Filed under: Campaign News

Phil Wolfe is excited to see that a new Supervisor District One website is about to be unveiled!


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Way to go Phil. “The Internet”, be there or be square. What a fascinating tool for an elected official. I know it was long in the making and at great personal sacrifice yet it is consistent with 16 years of exemplary unselfish service not only to those in your district but every individual in the county. You have truly been a Champion for us all. I can share your vision of every citizen in the county having a real and highly technical platform to be better informed and especially one allowing all citizens a direct line to one of the county’s most respected officials. Now we can get the unbiased, uncensored straight talk version of what’s going on in the county. Phil Wolfe is out front again kicking it up a notch to safe guard and protect everyone’s interest from self-serving public officials interested only in their personal agendas. The Wolfe is on guard at the court house door. Halleluiah!!!!

Robert H. Hardin, Jr. wrote on June 30, 2007 - 6:53 am

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