Friday is the Last Day!

July 5, 2007 | Author: Webmaster | Filed under: Campaign News

Friday this week (July 6) is the last day to register. You can register at the Circuit Clerk’s office, or you can fill out a “mail in” registration form and have it delivered to the Clerk’s office. It only takes five minutes to register to vote.

If you or any of your family and friends are not registered, we urge you to take care of that this very week. You’ll be doing the community a favor, and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you have done your duty as a citizen.

If you have any questions about registering to vote, you can call these numbers:

453-1435 - Circuit Clerk’s Office
455-4644 - Phil Wolfe’s campaign office
455-4386 - Phil Wolfe’s home

Or, email us at for help in registering.


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