Leadership Case Study Ad Published

July 7, 2007 | Author: Webmaster | Filed under: Campaign Ads

On Sunday July 8 and Monday July 9, the Wolfe campaign published an ad in the Greenwood Commonwealth describing how Phil’s leadership, expertise, and consensus-building talents led to dramatic cuts in the cost of the new jail and sheriff’s offices.



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That is the problem with our government today. All the way from small town USA,up to Washington D.C., they have no sense of the value of a dollar. It is almost like they have the idea that money is not an issue. Politicians seem to think that if they need more money its no big deal, they can just print some and the taxpayers will cover it. Here is another reason why Mr. Wolfe is the right man for Leflore County. Someone has got to be in there that will not just vote with the crowd to keep everyone happy. The supervisors main priority should be to protect their constiuents best interest and most of the time the constituents best interests involves money. This article is just another example of how Phil Wolfe is doing that. Once again, good luck and keep up the good work!!

B. Smith wrote on July 9, 2007 - 9:01 pm

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