Massive Post Card Mailing Completed!

August 4, 2007 | Author: Webmaster | Filed under: Campaign News

Saturday, August 4, the Wolfe campaign delivered over 5200 post cards, one to each registered voter in District One, reminding them that Tuesday is the last chance they will have to vote for Phil Wolfe this election cycle.

The cards will not only serve as the needed reminder, but they are the beginning of Phil’s effort to create a massive “get out the vote” list for the crucial county-wide elections in November. Based upon this mailing, the campaign will be able to determine which voters have moved and where there may be unregistered voters residing in the District.

Having this “up to date” voter list will help in the campaign to stop the sales tax increase that will be voted upon in the November election.

Here is the card:

go vote card Page 2

go vote card Page 1


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